Tag Archives: empath

Don’t Push me ’cause I’m close to the Edge!!

Don’t Push me ’cause I’m close to the Edge!!

To be Divine is to be whole. To be whole is to be both the good and the evil.

Don’t Push Me ‘Cause I’m close to The Edge. I’m Trying not to lose my head. We all have been there. You know, on the brink of destruction? The feeling of just wanting to cause much mayhem. Make those who are making our lives a little more difficult spontaneously combust with some sort of Jedi, telekinesis, Carrie rage type of deal. Yes, I’ve played the image of another’s head exploding with just the thought.


I know…that’s crazy right?? But I can admit! And that’s the first step.

The question is why do people behave like this? Why is it that when an individual is having a bad day they do their best to make someone else feel just as bad?


I’m an Empathetic person. Like to the extreme. If you are not aware of the term of the word empath I will tell you the common definition. An empath is a highly sensitive person who can feel the emotions of others. It’s like we know and have intuition about what an individual is experiencing. If you feel happy, we feel your joy, if you feel mad, we feel that anger, if you feel sadness we feel down. I wasn’t aware of this until I reached my mid 20’s .

I will admit, it is not a pleasant trait to have at times. Especially when you’re surrounded by people who experience ill and negative emotions. If you’re not aware of how to block this it can totally take over and consume your emotions to where you will react instead of having a sound mind to respond.


Back to the question…you thought I forgot? Why do people who are having a bad day try to make others around experience it? The question is simple you may think…Misery loves company. Of course!! They are just miserable human beings and have yet to fully understand the gift of life. That too, was my first thought. Oh just give them a slap or two and that will bring them back to their senses right? No?


Then I came to realize that everyone may not know how to express their feelings with the proper communication. But we think that since everyone has a voice and know how to speak, how is it that they just don’t simply say what is on their mind? That is because some people may not know how.


Communication is a skill that some go to school for. I didn’t go to school for it. So I had to learn how to properly communicate on my own trial and error. And I’ll admit too, I still experience trial and error until this very day. Because communication is a skill that we can always improve.


When a person has a bad day, they have many disagreements with others. Many times when two people have a disagreement they will have an argument, or as I like to call it, a debate. Many times when people are in disagreement they often do not fully listen to what the other is saying. All they can think about is their rebuttal to what the other is stating. As I’ve read somewhere, some only listen with the intention to reply, not to completely comprehend. Not to fully acknowledge the other individual and to come to a mutual compromise. Even it is just to agree to disagree.

Communication is a vital aspect in all relationships from the work place to your home life. Healthy relationships cannot survive with lack of communication or miscommunication. Lauryn Hill stated in her song “Lost Ones”, miscommunication can lead to complication. And that is precisely right.


When a person is not understood by others around them, especially family, it causes much feeling of discord within. I am here to tell you that you are not alone. We ALL have had our fair share of bad days. When we’re having a bad day, or any other type of day that is not pleasant, instead of just going berserk on others we should simply say “I am not having a good day.” That alone will give the other person more insight and it may lead to the question as to why the day is not so pleasant and it may even allow them to think of a resolve to make the day end on a better note.


I don’t know a human being walking that have all sunny days with rainbows made from skittles and everyone bringing you your favorite slice of cake. Oh how wonderful would that be? Awesome. Complete awesomeness. But it’s okay to have a bad day. It’s okay that others around us are having a bad day. What I don’t think is okay is making your bad day become some else’s bad day. It’s okay to express, just be sure to communicate in a healthy way. bad-day-card11And if you’re on the receiving end of the one having a bad day, just listen without criticism. Offer solace. Let’s help not harm.

images3On your next bad day remember…

We are not perfect beings. We are divine beings. To be divine is to be whole. To be whole is to be both good and evil.